Partnering with environmental Risk Managers


Partnering with environmental Risk Managers, Inc.

When you choose to partner with environmental Risk Managers (eRMI) you will be adding the premier environmental insurance wholesaler and educator in the country to your TEAM. eRMI becomes a critical component to our partners success and assist them to sell more insurance!

Our success is built upon combining environmental education and risk management which allows our Partners and their insured’s to understand the value environmental insurance adds to their business model.

Over 2 decades, eRMI has developed an innovative technique that gives our Partners the skill set necessary to write more environmental insurance while positioning themselves as a strategic partner and trusted advisor with their client’s.  Partnering with eRMI you will experience firsthand why we are so much more than just a wholesaler.

eRMI’s staff of environmental Strategists™ has the experience of working with Fortune 500 companies down to small business enterprises.

The eRMI Partner Strategy generally begins with a review of the eRMI Environmental Hot Topics List we know impact a variety of your insured’s and prospects. Whenever is most convenient for you, we will schedule a review of the eRMI Hot Topics List with you and/or your insurance professionals.  The purpose of the call is to strategize on environmental opportunities we have identified in assisting you to sell more environmental liability insurance.

After review of the eRMI Environmental Hot Topics you will be able to determine if environmental insurance can add value to your business model.  For those that determine environmental insurance will add value to their business model, eRMI will develop a customized environmental insurance sales strategy to leverage their insurance sales.

Partner with us today, and have the premier environmental educator / wholesaler on your team, assisting you to increase sales.

eRMI utilizes environmental Strategist™ Brand resources to assist our partners in selling more insurance.