We have strategized how Legionnaires occurrences experienced a five fold increase from 2000 to 2017. Sometimes it can be tricky for me to understand what this means. I was reading the web links below that offer articles related to recent Legionnaires occurrences, pay attention to the dates.
10-21-19: DC Psychiatric Hospital Goes Weeks Without Drinking Water
10-18-19: 4th Legionnaires Disease Death Reported In North Carolina From Hot Tub Display
10-10-19: Michigan Probes Detroit Area Hospitals 7 Legionnaires Cases
10-4-19: NW Indiana Schools Closed After Legionnaires Discovery
9-15-19: 2 New Cases of Legionnaires in Suburban Chicago
8-18-19: Officials Probe Respiratory Illness At Quincy Veterans Home
8-15-19: Source Confirmed In Legionnaires Outbreak At Atlanta Hotel
8-14-19: Maine CDC: Legionella Bacteria Eliminated From Water Source
8-1-19: Hotel In Schaumburg, Illinois
8-1-19: Hotel In Tomahawk Wisconsin
7-15-19: Three Employees in La Porte County Indiana
7-1-19: Nursing Home in Connecticut
Question: How many Legionnaires cases were not reported or known about?
Who has exposure to Legionella? Legionnaires Disease is a bacteria that can create an environmental liability for those using central air conditioning systems, fountains, room-air humidifiers, ice-making machines, whirlpool spas, water heating tanks & systems, showers, swimming pools, misting systems typically found in grocery-store produce sections, cooling towers used in industrial cooling systems, evaporative coolers, nebulizers, humidifiers, windshield washers, physical therapy equipment….
Question: Should you be strategizing on managing and transferring Legionnaires exposures with your insured’s? Environmental Risk Managers is here to team up and assist.
Links to Legionnaires articles: